Make Your Own Dairy Free Milk!

Want to make your own?

It’s easier then you might think! Here are some delicious recipes as well as some basic nutritional information. And of course we have all the ingredients you need to make any or all of these great milks! Enjoy.


Soy Milk

From a nutritional perspective, soy milk is rich in carbohydrates and has as much protein as dairy milk, less fat, no cholesterol, and an easily absorbable source of calcium. Soy milk is an excellent dairy substitute for baking.
Soy milk and all soy foods offer outstanding nutrition and health benefits. They provide balanced nutrition:

  • complete protein
  • high-quality fiber
  • low glycemic index (GI)
  • zero cholesterol
  • 83% less saturated fat than 2% cow milk
  • high Omega-3 to Omega-6 balance
  • a naturally good source of B vitamins

Here’s how to make your very own soy milk:

  1. Clean 1/2 cup whole organic soybeans under running water. Remove debris or damaged soybeans.
  2. Soak the beans overnight in a bowl in enough water to cover them.
  3. Drain and rinse the soybeans in a colander.

Make the Soy Milk

  1. Grind the soybeans in a blender with just enough water to cover them until it makes a slurry.
  2. Pour the slurry into a pot on the stove and add one quart of water.
  3. Bring the slurry to a boil, stirring constantly.
  4. Turn it down to a simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Stirring constantly.
  5. Strain the slurry through a cheesecloth, saving the liquid in a bowl. This is the soy milk. You can discard the ground up soybeans, or save to add to soup.
  6. Ready to drink. The soy milk should be stored in the refrigerator.

You can add 1 or 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup to the soy milk for a sweetness if you like. A dash of vanilla extract is nice, as well as a little salt, around 1/2 tsp.


Rice Milk

Rice milk is not as thick as soy milk, and has a somewhat translucent consistency. Because it is slightly sweet, rice milk works well in dessert recipes and is not suited for savory or salty dishes.

Rice Milk Recipe

  1. 1 cup rice, washed (organic brown rice is best nutritionally)
  2. 2 quarts water

Mix together ingredients; let stand 3 hours. Simmer for 1/2 hour. 
Puree in a blender and strain through a cloth.

This is the basic rice milk recipe.

Time to jazz it up! Think cinnamon, vanilla, honey, cocoa powder or even a little lemon or lime zest. Experiment with different flavours and see which suits you best. Simply add your desired flavour and stir in or blend in. Chill and enjoy.


Nut Milk

  1. 1 generous cup almonds – use less for a thinner less rich milk, use more for thicker richer milk.
  2. 2 1/2 cups water
  3. Blanch the almonds (dip in hot water for 30 seconds then remove the skins) the result is a much prettier milk.
  4. Put nuts and water in a blender. Blend approximately 2 minutes, until pulverized. # Strain the resulting product through cheese cloth to remove the nut chunks. Save nut chunks to add to other recipes, muffins or stews for example.

Yield: 2 cups


Hemp Milk

  • Hemp milk is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
  • A glass of hemp milk provides 4-5 grams of protein
  • A natural source of zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, and manganese
  • Rich in vitamins A, E, B12 and folic acid
  • Hemp has anti-inflammatory agents and improves circulation

Here’s how to make your own hemp milk at home. Super easy!

  1. 2 1/2 cups water, more if desired
  2. 1 1/2 cups hemp seeds
  3. 1–2 Tbsp raw agave nectar, maple syrup or 2–3 dates, pitted

Blend all of the ingredients until creamy and smooth.

You can add vanilla to your hemp milk if desired. You can also try adding 1 Tbsp of raw organic coconut butter, which will make your milk creamier. Another lovely addition is raw chocolate powder, add about 2 Tbsp before blending. Delish!


Coconut Milk

Easy Homemade Coconut Milk:

  1. Put 1/4 cup dried coconut and 1 cup water in your food processor or blender and give it a whirl.
  2. Let the mixture soak for about 10 minutes to soften, which will reduce the overall processing time needed, then process it at high speed for a minute or two.
  3. If you are making something like cornbread or a smoothie and don’t care about the bits of coconut pulp left, you’re done. Otherwise, pour the now-creamy liquid through a strainer. Use a spoon to force out as much of the liquid and flavor as you can from the coconut pulp. Use the pulp in baked goods, cereal, or a casserole.
Posted on August 26, 2015 and filed under Helpful Hints.