Organic Maca - Ancient Superfood of the Incas

Here at Foodstuffs we carry several product from Ecoideas, they are an outstanding Canadian manufacturer and distributor of natural health products. Here is the low down on their superb maca powders.
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Maca is a nutritionally dense perennial tuber which absorbs and stores nutrients. Maca is native to the Peruvian Andes and belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. It is typically grown as a root vegetable in harsh weather conditions and high altitudes.

Maca is an adaptogen, known for its ability to increase energy, build physical strenght, improve mood, balance hormones, reduce anxiety, boost the immune system, heighten libido and help reduce PMS and menopausal symptoms. The nutritional profile of dried maca root is very high. The average composition of this berbaceous plant is 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, 8.5% dietary fiber, and 2.2% fats. It is also rich in vitamins, essential minerals (such as magnesium, iron, calcium and selenium), EFAs, amino acids and antioxidants. Due to it’s adaptogenic properties, it has the ability to adjust to your body’s metabolism ensuring that optimal levels of this root’s unique nutritional qualities are utilized by the endocrine system.

There are several ecospecies of maca available. Although they share a similar nutritional profile, studies have shown that varieties within the species have distinct potential benefits:

Yellow Maca is the most common root used by Peruvians and is known for its beneficial effects on female fertility and menopausal symptoms.

Red Maca is known for its higher concentration of antioxidant properties and for better prostate health.

Black Maca is known for its positive effects on memory and learning.

Raw Maca is a blend of 70% yellow, 20% red and 10% black maca roots.

Gelatinized Maca is known to be highly digestible and more soluble than regular maca. Gelatinization allows the long chains of starches to be broken down, thus enhancing the maca’s ability to be absorbed and digested, while also increasing solubility and concetration of its most active compounds.

Premium Quality OSS “Organic Sterilization System” Maca is the purest maca available, made possible through a unique, and 100% natural method of removing pathogens and germ charge in natural products. The Organic Sterilization System is a natural method of subjecting the maca root to pressure, temperature changes, and a carefully monitored steam injection process, within a vacuum chamber, providing the most effective germ decontamination process while preserving the maximum sensory properties and nutritional values of the product.

Posted on August 26, 2015 and filed under You asked us.