Herbs for Pregnancy

From Louise Tenney's "Today’s Herbal Health for Children"

This reference is offered as a starting-point for inquiring minds and not as medical advice. Always speak to your practitioner before self-medicating. 

p.s. We stock virtually all of these herbs as mild-acting herbal teas.

Red Raspberry: This can help relieve nausea, strengthen the uterus, clean and tone the mucous embranes, ease premature labour, and assist during labour and delivery.

Bilberry: Bilberry helps to strengthen the veins and capillaries. It also helps with kidney function and is a mild diuretic.

Burdock: Burdock helps to prevent bloating and jaundice in the baby.

Chamomile: This is a digestive aid, helps with bowel problems and induces relaxation.

Ginger: Ginger helps with digestion and nausea due to morning sickness.

Horsetail or Oatstraw: These help to provide valuable minerals to strengthen the body and fetus.

Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is rich in nutrients to build and promote health.

Dandelion: This is high in iron and nutrients to help prevent anemia.

Kelp: Kelp is full of nutrients and easily assimilated in the body. It can help strengthen the uterus and prevent anemia.

Alfalfa: Alfalfa is high in nutrients and contains vitamin K to prevent hemmorhage. It also helps with digestion and assimilation of nutrients and to purify the blood.

Slippery Elm: Slippery Elm is rich in protein and soothing on the mucous membranes.

Peppermint: Peppermint can be used after the first trimester to help with digestion and soothe the stomach.

Wild Yam: This helps prevent miscarriage, prenancy pain, nausea and cramping.

Yellow Dock: This is high in iron and aids in building the blood. It can help to prevent infant jaundice.

Herbs to avoid (especially during the first trimester): Pennyroyal, Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Squaw Vine, Spikenard, Mistletoe, False Unicorn, Angelica, Cinchona, Eucalyptus Oil, Juniper, Lovage, Ma Huang, Male Fern, Rue, Tansy, Wormwood, and Yarrow. Golden Seal should only be used in small amounts. Laxative herbs may cause stomach cramps which may lead to contractions and should be used sparingly or in combinations only. Some include Aloe Vera, Barberry, Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Mandrake, Rhubarb, and Senna.

Before pregnancy: Combinations are available to be taken six weeks before delivery to help prepare the body for a healthy delivery. It may contain some or all of the following: Squaw Vine, Blessed Thistle, Black Cohosh, Pennyroyal, False Unicorn, and Red Raspberry.


Posted on August 26, 2015 and filed under Product Information.